Revive Kids | Volunteer Form

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We are so glad you chose to help make an impact with us by serving in Revive Kidz! Do you know what kind of impact you’re making?! Not only are you pouring the Word of God into children but your allowing parents to have one on one time with God in service during worship, the Word and during alter call! As Pastors, we would not be where we are today if it wasn’t for someone taking care of our kids while God transformed our lives during services and or through serving. We say all that to say, thank you, thank you, thank you for serving in Revive Kidz!

Pastor's heart for RKidz: We desire for RKIDZ To be revived and refreshed during their time of praise/worship with God and as the word is poured into their hearts. We are believing that Rkids will encounter God's presence during their time in children's church and that they will be transformed from the inside out. We are committed to training up Revive Kids in the ways, the nature and the character of Jesus Christ. We want their love for Jesus to grow more and more each and every day of their lives so that it would be impossible for them to turn away from His love.

Here are some ground rules:

-All Revive Kids must get a background check before serving. You will receive this form via email shortly after filling out this e-form. Fill out the form and send it back to us via email.

Before filling out the form below, make sure you read through these RKidz guidelines:

-Always stay with a child no matter what age.  Supervision is key. 

-Talk to children at eye-level.

-Keep a positive and balanced tone of voice when instructing.

-Never use corporal punishment or inappropriately touch children.  

-If a child has a meltdown/misbehave try redirecting their attention to a toy, book, or fun song/game.  

-Praise each child for good behavior. Ex. properly seated, walking, sharing, etc.

-Limit use of electronic devices unless it pertains to the children (or) an emergency.  
-Dress appropriately.  You are the children's remodel.

-Report and record any/all injuries to Pastor Faith via text
-Do not share personal information about any child with other parents/visitors.  

-Only release a child(ren) to authorized parent/guardian

-No children are allowed to leave out of a classroom without a children worker.

-If a childrens worker needs something outside of a classroom, they should take 2-3 children with them. Another childrens worker should be with any children remaining in the classroom. Encourage whispering in the hallways.

-Doors to classrooms should always be closed and monitored so children can not sneak out

-Only one snack should be distributed and should only be given at the time listed on the agenda 

-No toys or balls should be thrown in any classroom

-Children should walk at all times 

-Children should eat and drink at the table at all times 

-Please encourage cleaning up after each activity before a child moves on to the next. 

-To maintain safety, classroom floors should be clean at all times 

-Children workers should only use cellphones for emergencies or to take pictures of kids in order to send to Pastor Faith

-Children workers should be interacting with kids at all times. (Playing, teaching, helping, etc.)

-Use attention getters to regain control of the class room. Example: "if you can hear me, clap your hands twice"
-Try doing a one on one activity for a few minutes with children displaying bad behavior 
-utilize prayer to bring peace to the classroom and the child

Please select all that apply.


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